L4AO 13
L4AO Workshop

Deadline for abstract submission is 29 April 2019
Deadline for abstract submission is 29 April 2019
The L4AO-13 Workshop provides an opportunity for the community of scientists and engineers in the field of laser technology and systems for adaptive optics to engage in a productive conversation of various topics of interest in this field. In particular topics of interest to be included are:
The L4AO-13 Workshop Chairs and Organizing Committees are committed to the principles of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA). The same level of commitment is expected from all workshop participants.
The Workshop Organization will strive to create spaces of respectful discussion and camaraderie among all members of our community and workshop attendees. The L4AO-13 Workshop Chairs and Organizing Committees will oppose any form of harassment and bullying perpetrated on the basis of gender identity, sex, race, ethnic origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, mental health or any other personal characteristics that are unrelated to the scientific aims and objectives of the workshop.
The L4AO-13 workshop Gender Equity, and Harassment and Bullying policies (including sexual harassment) will be published on this web site prior to the workshop being held. By taking part in the workshop, participants will be expected to have read, acknowledged, and accepted those policies.
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, the L4AO-13 Workshop Organization will be able to provide some limited financial support to partially cover student and early-career travel expenses, as well as to offset extraordinary child care-related costs that parents/carers will be facing (in Quebec City, at home, or otherwise) in order to participate in the workshop.
It is expected that up to five $1000 CAD travel grants and up to five $1000 CAD child care support grants will be awarded.The Workshop Organization will review all requests submitted by the workshop registration deadline and make a best effort to grant support after review of the information contained in all applications. Please note that:
The L4AO-13 Organization Committee reserves the right to award funding support of any amount (including no funding) consistent with the principles highlighted above on the sole basis of the information provided by applicants.
Those interested in receiving either or both types of funding support should email the Workshop Organization at L4AO_FundingSupport@mso.anu.edu.au, indicating Travel Support or Child Care Support in the subject line. Participants should apply separately for each type of support and indicate clearly:
Please include the following information: